We have stood alone in that which is called isolation—our splendid isolation, as one of our Colonial friends was good…
They [the English] amuse themselves sadly as is the custom of their country. [Ils s'amusaient tristement selon la coutume de…
In England there are sixty different religions, and only one sauce. [Il y a en Angleterre soizante sectes religieuses diffĂ©rentes,…
It was part of war; men died, more would die, that was past, and what mattered now was the business…
Depression is not sobbing and crying and giving vent, it is plain and simple reduction of feeling... People who keep…
Deploring change is the unchangeable habit of an Englishman. Raymond Postgate
First note. I had better let the cat out of the bag at once and record my opinion that the…
Do not be misled by memories of your youth when, on the Continent, wanting to describe someone as exceptionally dull,…
You often hear that the English climate has had a profound effect upon the English temperament. I don't believe it.…
England is a paradise for women, and hell for horses: Italy is a paradise for horses, hell for women. Robert…