
Polysyllables obfuscate a preponderant ignorance

Polysyllables obfuscate a preponderant ignorance with so much more style and panache. John Patrick Lowrie, Dancing With Eternity

12 years ago

Opportunities for misreadings in English

In a language as idiomatically stressed as English, opportunities for misreadings are bound to arise. By a mere backward movement…

12 years ago

English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore

The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse…

12 years ago

Speak like English aristocrats before the First World War

"I guess that isn't the right word," she said. She was used to apologizing for her use of language. She…

12 years ago

Writing in English is like throwing mud at a wall

Writing in English is like throwing mud at a wall. Joseph Conrad

12 years ago

One flaw that made all the other imperfections pale in comparison

You have many flaws, he announced... “But there was one flaw that made all the other imperfections pale in comparison.”…

12 years ago

Drop your Foreign Accent

Dearest creature in creation, Study English pronunciation. I will teach you in my verse Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and…

12 years ago

Say things in English which simply cannot be said in any other language

Its very variety, subtlety, and utterly irrational, idiomatic complexity makes it possible to say things in English which simply cannot…

12 years ago

In the English language there are orphans and widows

In the English language there are orphans and widows, but there is no word for the parents who loses a…

12 years ago

You are an Englishman, and have won first prize in the lottery of life

Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life. Cecil Rhodes (attributed).

12 years ago