We do not tolerate people speaking other languages than English in the flats

This is presumably from a poster in a flat in Norwich.

“As we finally have our great country back we feel there is one rule to that needs to be made clear to Winchester Tower residents.

“We do not tolerate people speaking other languages than English in the flats.

“We are now our own country again and the Queen’s English is the spoken tongue here.

“If you do want to speak whatever is the mother tongue of the country you came from then we suggest you return to that place and return your flat to the council so they can let British people live here and we can return to what was normality before you infected this once great island.

“It’s a simple choice obey the rule of the majority or leave.

“You won’t have long till our government will implement rules that will put British first.

“So best evolve or leave.

“God save the Queen, her government, and all true patriots.”


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