darling Archive


Some married women have feelings that to submit to men is wrong

The reasons for non-consummation are the same as ever, she reports, in spite of our apparent enlightenment on sexual matters. “Some fail to consummate because of parental prohibition: they think their parents would be against it. Some need to be told it’s all right to do this thing. Some married women have


Not doing it with your husband or wife was seen as a virtue

There was a time when failing to consummate a marriage was something to sing about: before the advent of the monasteries, which took celibates out of circulation, not doing it with your husband or wife was seen as a virtue. Ross Clark, “Not tonight, darling”, Daily Telegraph, 10 August 1996 Favorite0


School sex education told you everything about the sexual act

But according to Julia Cole… it is not the broad technical details that modern married couples lack so much as the artistry. A wag once commented that school sex education told you everything about the sexual act—except for the fact that you would very likely enjoy it. Ross Clark, Not tonight, darling,