sex Archive


British men are notoriously lousy lovers

It’s especially good that, although British men are notoriously lousy lovers, British women have learnt to expect little more and in fact find earnest male insistence (say, a ten hour Gallic span of attention to the clitoris) only theoretically desirable. Nicholas Lezard, “In Praise of British Women”, GQ, December 1996, p.178 Favorite0


Perpetuate the world without this trivial and vulgar way of coition

I could be content that we might procreate like trees, without conjunction, or that there were any way to perpetuate the world without this trivial and vulgar way of coition. Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici, pt. 2, sct. 9 (1643). Favorite0


England may be a copulating country but it is not an erotic country

The fact remains that England may be a copulating country but it is not an erotic country… Girls are being taken to bed, to be sure, but they are not courted; they are being made love to but they are not pursued. Women are quite willing to go to bed but they


Food in England more dangerous than sex

England is the only country in the world where the food is more dangerous than sex. Jackie Mason Favorite0