tea Archive


Why on Earth would they serve this when we have tea?

This passage from Murdoch Mysteries (Season 1, episode 8 “Still Waters”) is characteristic of British culture (where the normal thing to drink is tea or… beer): — Oh, sir, you have to try one of these. I’ve had four this morning. It’s the damnedest stuff. — What is it? — Coffee. I’ve only ever


Tea and the British: Vera Drake

I consider Mike Leigh’s film Vera Drake a masterpiece. English actors I think are the best in the world and the performance of Imelda Staunton is extraordinary and suffused with humanity. Indeed, this kind of cinema with its profound sensitivity and humanity, acts as a foil to the pretentious, pseudo-intellectual, melodramatic ravings


Tea with milk and sugar Mr Beckham?

I was watching BBC World the other day and there was an interview with David Beckham. One of the things the lady asked him was about his tea habits (why would anybody need to know that?). — Tea with milk and sugar? — No just sugar. I know that sounds weird. To