Upper class, middle-class, lower class

(In bowler hat, black jacket and pinstriped trousers) I look down on him (Indicates Barker) because I am upper-class.
(Pork-pie hat and raincoat) I look up to him (Cleese) because he is upper-class; but I look down on him (Corbett) because he is lower-class. I am middle-class
(Cloth cap and muffler) I know my place. I look up to them both. But I don’t look up to him (Barker) as much as I look up to him (Cleese), because he has got innate breeding.
I have got innate breeding, but I have not got any money. So sometimes I look up (bends knees, does so) to him (Barker).
I still look up to him (Cleese) because although I have money, I am vulgar. But I am not as vulgar as him (Corbett) so I still look down on him (Corbett).
I know my place. I look up to them both; but while I am poor, I am honest, industrious and trustworthy. Had I the inclination, I could look down on them. But I don’t.
We all know our place, but what do we get out of it?
I get a feeling of superiority over them.
I get a feeling of inferiority from him, (Cleese), but a feeling of superiority over him (Corbett).
I get a pain in the back of my neck.

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