Madonna on Britain

When I was 45, I was married again, with two children and living in England. I consider moving to a foreign country to be a very daring act. It wasn’t easy for me. Just because we speak the same language doesn’t mean we speak the same language. I didn’t understand that there


Faggots—and there’s spotted dick for afters

Chief Inspector Japp. After staying with you for a whole week, Poirot, the least I could do is offer you a spot of lunch, wean you away from that… well, let you taste some proper English cooking. Poirot. And the good Madam Japp, it is today that she returns? Chief Inspector Japp


They shared all the characteristics of humans, with the sole exception of a soul.

The human race is divided into beings animate and beings inanimate. Up to this very day, the inanimate ruled the world. The roaming, rational, resourceful, bipedal, vertebrate, mammalian, inanimate beings. They shared all the characteristics of humans, with the sole exception of a soul. We are at a turning point so critical:


One potential remedy for human stupidity is a dose of humility

One potential remedy for human stupidity is a dose of humility. National, religious and cultural tensions are made worse by the grandiose feeling that my nation, my religion and my culture are the most important in the world – hence my interests should come before the interests of anyone else, or of


Culturally induced ignorance and how it affects your mind

A must see for anyone who wants to know how science and public opinion is manipulated by big corporations in order for them to make money and to the detriment of the world and the health of the public: Manufacturing Ignorance. Favorite1


In Britain you never have to explain why you drink

In Britain you never have to explain why you drink. You do have to explain why you don’t drink. Because it is not normal. The norm is to drink. There must be something in the British psyche which is making people to want to be inebriated for large parts of their lives.


The fate of a nation depends on the way that they eat

La destinée des nations dépend de la manière dont elles se nourrissent (The fate of a nation depends on the way that they eat) ― Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin Favorite1


God first made England, Ireland and Scotland

God first made England, Ireland and Scotland. Then, when he corrected his mistakes, he made Wales. — Katharine Hepburn 2.47 Favorite1


Culture is not your friend

I could not help but see how true the statement below is for most cultures. Especially for such alienated and dehumanised cultures like the British one. Culture is a type of programming. Usually, bad programming; that is, programming that does not promote the well-being of the individual and the society. Programming that


We do not tolerate people speaking other languages than English in the flats

This is presumably from a poster in a flat in Norwich. “As we finally have our great country back we feel there is one rule to that needs to be made clear to Winchester Tower residents. “We do not tolerate people speaking other languages than English in the flats. “We are now


Italians use the word “bello” much more frequently than the Englishmen would say “beautiful”

When I was a 19 year old student I came to live for a year in Italy and one of the things that struck me is how often Italians use the world “bello”. Everything was “bello”, “bello”, “bella”. Italians use the word much more frequently than the Englishmen would say “beautiful”. If