Men and holding hands

One sunny afternoon, when I was around 13 or 14, I was walking down Tottenham High Road hand-in-hand with one of my uncles. He wasn’t a blood relative but, like many of the older men in my community, I called him uncle. I was born in Kinshasa in the Congo, a society


Beer, of course, is actually a depressant

Beer, of course, is actually a depressant. But poor people will never stop hoping otherwise. — Kurt Vonnegut Favorite0


National stereotyping in Britain

In a list of ‘moves designed to piss lots of people off’, banning coffee in Turkey probably ranks somewhere alongside banning cheese in France, banning guns in America and … well, banning national stereotyping in Britain. ― Tom Phillips, Humans: A Brief History of How We F*cked It All Up Favorite0


Junk food and sight loss

The family of a teenager, from Bristol, who suffered irreversible eyesight loss after surviving on a diet of chips, white bread and processed snacks and meat have spoken of their heartache. The teenager, now 19, has been a fussy eater from an early age and cannot tolerate the texture of fruit and


The best thing about the English: you’re so domesticated

The best thing about the English – you’re so domesticated. All standing around, apologising, keeping your little heads down. You can do what you like here ! No-one’s ever going to stop you. You’re a nation of herbivores. — Sherlock III, Episode 3 FINAL Favorite0


No hugging. It was always the other things.

Holidays were always very grim because we had a four week holiday: two weeks mummy and two weeks daddy, and the trauma of going from one house to another, and each individual parent trying to make it up in their area with material things rather than the actual tactile stuff, which is


Bad diet to blame for one in six deaths in the UK

Poor diets kill almost 90,000 Britons a year. Nearly one in six deaths is now linked to unhealthy eating, researchers said. The cost in lives is close to that from smoking. Low intake of fruit, vegetables, wholegrains and fibre are the biggest problems, according to findings published in the Lancet medical journal.


Put a fucking jacket on

Typical British Victorian attitude: being prudish about the human skin and at the same time rude. Not to mention how fast morals and attitudes will change once they had a couple of pints… Flying from Bham to Tenerife, Thomas Cook told me that they were going to remove me from the flight


Have you ever tasted English food? They eat pigs’ blood.

Have you ever tasted English food? They eat pigs’ blood. They do not eat pigs’ blood. I’m telling you. They put pigs’ blood in the sausages and brains of sheep. The place is completely barbaric. — Victoria & Abdul This quote alludes to a very well known British dish, black pudding (or


The English in Greece—a sorry lot

The English in Greece—a sorry lot, by the way—seem to have a poor opinion of the Greek character. The English are torpid, unimaginative, lacking in resiliency. They seem to think that the Greeks should be eternally grateful to them because they have a powerful fleet. The Englishman in Greece is a farce