Borat’s Guide to Britain



Culture is your operating system

Ethnobotanist and hallucinogenic scion Terrence McKenna said in one of his lectures that, “Culture is your operating system.” Through hallucinogenic drugs, McKenna posited, one could shed that operating system for a time and gain union with nature, other humans, and even an ancient mode of thinking which could give us insight into


Lewd touching and handling maketh folk fall into the horrible sin of luxurie

Lewd touching and handling maketh folk fall into the horrible sin of luxurie Here “luxury” stands for “lust” and this line comes from a brilliant documentary “Guilty Pleasures: Luxury in the Middle Ages”. Favorite0


I don’t want to be an ant, you know?

When I first read this quote, it stroke me like my feelings exactly about life in the UK. They way people treat you. As if acknowledging your existence with their eyes would have been a major intrusion in your psyche and a major discomfort for theirs… [My bold] Hey. Could we do


Keep your distance Mr Trudeau

High-five? Low-five? A British prince would never do such a thing… Favorite0


The drunks of Manchester

A picture of a raucous street in Manchester during New Year’s Eve celebrations has gone viral after social media users turned it into a series of hilarious memes. The original photograph – posted by Roland Hughes on Twitter – looks like a tableaux of drunkenness, with police grappling with a young man


One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. ― Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own Favorite0


Wake up Britons!

As I recently drove through Greece I noticed repeated graffiti seemingly everywhere on every available wall. In large blue letters it said WAKE UP WAKE UP. It could almost have been written with the British public in mind, because although the spirit of 1939 Germany now pervades throughout media-brand Britain, the 2013


Ministry of silly walks… put to shame!

I guess that this Buckingham Palace guard is getting his ideas from the Ministry of Silly Walks. Favorite0


30 Things British People Say and What We Actually Mean

Source: Very British Problems: Making Life Awkward for Ourselves, One Rainy Day at a Time by Rob Temple (Author) Favorite0